Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pig Organ Soup at Tiong Bahru Market - Singapore

One of my childhood favourites -  definitely not healthy and high in cholesterol but hey I can't get it in Vancouver so I have to eat my fill while back in Singapore.   

As the name suggests, Pig Organ Soup or "Kiam Chye Teng" is pig's innards cooked with salted preserved vegetables.  The bowl below has stomach, heart, liver, small intestines, large intestines,pork balls, pork slices.  When I was growing up there was lung and blood as well but those have since been banned for sale.  The flavours and textures of the innards are completely different.  One should try something different at least once in a lifetime right?
tiong bahru pig organ soup
Pig Organ Soup
The glutinous rice stuffed into large intestines is very hard to find and Tiong Bahru is one of the few places that I've seen it sold.  It runs out very quickly so you have to be there early to get it.  It is not easy to make and very time consuming I'm told.  It makes a nice compliment to the soup.  Eaten with thick black sauce and chilli.
glutinous rice stuffed into large pig intestine
Glutinous Rice Stuffed into Large Pig Intestine
Koh Brother Pig's Organ Soup
Tiong Bahru Market #02-29
30 Seng Poh Road (S)168898


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