
Monday, September 20, 2010

Honey Cake, Katsutera, Castella

I just got a jar of fireweed honey and a whole lot of other thoughtful things that remind me of home....courtesy of D's friends. Honey seems to be the cure all food - mixed with other natural foods, honey can apparently cure arthiritis, lower cholestral, colds etc and I hear honey is supposed to help weight loss too :) So I go in search of a honey cake recipe. I found one on Just Hungry which describes the method in great detail.

Honey Cake
8 whole large eggs (55g each)
300g sugar ( I used 200g)
200g all purpose flour
10oml milk
4 tbsp honey (I used 5 tbsp), plus 1 extra for brushing the cake

BB loves his honey and can't wait to taste the cake.